Star vs the forces of evil monster arm
Star vs the forces of evil monster arm

star vs the forces of evil monster arm

Oh, but if you like, I can give you a pretty wicked set of pigtails.Star gives her pigtails again.MarcoPigtails? Star Unless. That sort of spell is not really in my comfort zone. You have a wand! You could just fix my hand!Star's last hairstyle is a hodgepodge of pigtails and ponytails.StarYou know. The cast reads "Get well s♡♡n! Star!" and has several drawings on it.Marco This is a nightmare! If I can't fight Jeremy, he'll say I wussed out, and he'll never let me live it down!Star uses her magic wand to switch hairstyles.StarPigtails? Ponytail? Pigtails? Ponytail? Pigtails?MarcoWait a minute. But Saturday, he's gonna get a taste of this!Marco stacks three planks of wood.MarcoHiiiiii-YAH!Smash cut to black.MarcoFade in on Marco's broken arm in a cast.

star vs the forces of evil monster arm star vs the forces of evil monster arm

I'm going to kick Jeremy Birnbaum's butt!StarJeremy Birnbaum? Isn’t that the talking bear that used to rummage through my parents' garbage?MarcoHe's just this creep in my dojo who's only any good because his rich parents buy him fancy equipment and private lessons. You hate wood, too? Yeah, crush that wood! Wood's the worst! MarcoNo, I'm practicing for my upcoming Tang Soo Do see, Star, martial arts is all about honor and discipline. Huh?MarcoHiii-yah!Marco chops the wood in half.StarWhoa. In Marco's bedroom, Marco positions his hand over a plank of wood.Marco DiazStar Butterfly La, la-la, la-la, la-laaa. (theme song)Episode begins at the Diaz Household.

Star vs the forces of evil monster arm